Bildschirmfoto 2020-08-25 um 14.37.29.png



Creation of a news video with the aim of attracting people's interest on the topic of fossils. My idea was to create fake news based on partially true facts. The scenes will show flash TG news in an alternative version, supported by real images and tg-institutional graphics, in a right mix between current events and historical aspects. Viewers will enjoy an unusual and entertaining video.


The idea for the project was conceived individually, in which I proceeded with carrying out all of the steps in the process. I took care of each phase of the video creation: from the storyboard, to the shooting, up to the final editing. The recording of the audio was made in the radio studio of the RSI by Enea Zuber, a young TV presenter.


The goal of the project was to produce a video that would go viral. My expectations were met within a few days, where the video had reached 1,147 views from sharing alone.


— SUPSI 2018, Visual Communication (shooting and video editing) —