
Pianspessa: between past and future

PIANSPESSA: between past and future (2019)


My thesis work focused on “Pianspessa”, a vast and constantly evolving area, located among the hills of Monte Generoso (Ticino, Switzerland). This place is characterized by particular historical and landscape characteristics; therefore it is not just a place to visit, but rather an outdoor museum.


My intent was to design a visit experience which allows visitors to discover every corner of Pianspessa moving freely all around the area. The various communicative artifacts, on paper and in digital form, were developed in order to tell the story of all the historical, architectural and landscape characteristics (present and future) of this site.

Only what appears in the world as low-level stuff, will one day become a thing
— Heidegger, saggi & discorsi

The tablet application will enable visitors to participate in a more interactive way in this immersive visit, giving them a personal experience at “Pianspessa”. The main objective will be to utilize augmented reality to allow visitors to take a trip through time.


The completion of the thesis included the set-up and the presentation of the entire project to the university commission. I also had the pleasure to present my entire thesis work to the promoters of the “Pianspessa restoration project”, who welcomed my work positively and enthusiastically.

Restoration project: pianspessa.com


— SUPSI 2019, Visual Communication (thesis work, supervisor: Sylvain Esposito) —